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- Budget message of ... Mayor, to the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco
- Annual report - New York City Community Mental Health Board
- Annual report of the trustees of Walters Art Gallery to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
- Annual reports to the Common Council of the City of Ithaca, New York, of the Mayor, the Standing Committees of the Common Council, the Reporter, the Overseer of the Poor, the Tax Collector and Treasurer, etc
- Annual report of the Board of Trustees, City of Detroit, General City Employees Retirement System, for the year ended June 30
- Annual report of the Comptroller of the City of Albany, N.Y. to the Mayor and Common Council of Albany, N.Y. for the fiscal period ending
- New York landlord v. tenant
- Activities report - Food and Nutrition Board
- A report of the activities of the Consumer Protection Board